For infants there is nothing more useful than butter,[1] either by itself or in combination with honey; for dentition more particularly, for soreness of the gums, and for ulcerations of the mouth. A wolf's tooth, attached to the body, prevents infants from being startled, and acts as a preservative against the maladies attendant upon dentition; an effect equally produced by making use of a wolf's skin. The larger teeth, also, of a wolf, attached to a horse's neck, will render him proof against all weariness, it is said. A hare's rennet, applied to the breasts of the nurse, effectually prevents diarrhœa in the infant suckled by her. An ass's liver, mixed with a little panax, and dropped into the mouth of an infant, will preserve it from epilepsy and other diseases to which infants are liable; this, however, must be done for forty days, they say. An ass's skin, too, thrown over infants, renders them insensible to fear. The first teeth shed by a horse, attached as an amulet to infants, facilitate dentition, and are better still, when not allowed to touch the ground. For pains in the spleen, an ox's milt is administered in honey, and applied topically; and for running ulcers it is used as an application, with honey. A calf's milt, boiled in wine, is beaten up, and applied to incipient ulcers of the mouth.
The magicians take the brains of a she-goat, and, after passing
them through a gold ring, drop them into the mouth of the infant before it takes the breast, as a preservative against epilepsy
and other infantile diseases. Goats' dung, attached to infants in a piece of cloth, prevents them from being restless, female infants in particular. By rubbing the gums of